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MHT Makes History


WE ARE HAPPY TO SHARE…Deborah Pittman and Jonah Howell

Miles Hansford & Tallant, LLC is beyond excited to announce Deborah Pittman and Jonah Howell are the firms newest Equity Partners. This is the first time in the history of the firm for any associate to advance to equity partner status, let alone two.

“It is an incredible honor to be invited to join the equity partnership at MHT. I am thankful for the people in my path who have supported me in this journey. I am especially grateful for the fateful day in September, 2012, when I landed in Kevin McDonough’s office to accept my first attorney job - the rest is now history.

Happy holidays to everyone and my family will be celebrating for sure. “ - Deborah Pittman

“I want to say it is in honor to be welcomed into the equity partnership at Miles Hansford & Tallant, LLC but it is so much more. Given the opportunity to do what I love, in my hometown, with an awesome group of lawyers is humbling. For this, I am thankful.” - Jonah Howell

Congrats 🎉🍾Deborah & Jonah!
