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Why You Should Stay off Social Media after Your Arrest


Getting arrested can be a challenging experience, no matter what the charge. It can be a vulnerable and challenging time from the moment of your arrest until you are released.

Once you have access to your phone or computer, it can be tempting to reach out to your friends and family on social media for support. While your support system is critical during this time, social media may not be a good place to look for support.

Before you post on social media after your arrest, this is what you should consider.

Even a Private Profile Can Become Public

You may not intend for others to see something that you post on social media, but once you post it, you lose control. You can lock down your profile as much as you want, but that will not stop someone who has access from taking a screenshot of your post and reposting it.

Keep in mind that your friends and family are not the only ones watching for your posts on social media. Prosecutors and others involved in your criminal caseĀ could be watching, too. The information you post could seem vague to you, but someone looking to convict you could see it differently.

What Can I Post About?

Some parts of your life seem like they would not be of interest in a criminal hearing. Before your arrest, you may have posted about daily life or pictures of your pets.

When you are going through the criminal process, it is better to err on the side of caution and avoid posting until the trial is over. It is easy to misinterpret both words and pictures. Rather than finding yourself in a position where you must defend a post, it is better to wait and post it when your legal matters are resolved.