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Divorce During the Holidays Is Different for Everyone


Ending a marriage can affect Georgia residents any time of the year. Whether a person recently decided to divorce before the holidays or the case is still continuing on through this time of year, it can be difficult to think about festivities while also trying to handle marriage dissolution issues. However, that does not mean that individuals have to forgo the holidays altogether, and some may even be able to find ways to enjoy themselves.

First, it is important to remember that it is perfectly acceptable to still feel happy during the holidays even while going through a divorce. Some people may find that they are able to start new traditions that their spouse may not have wanted to participate in or may even feel less stressed because there is no conflict over how to spend the holidays. Of course, it is also reasonable to feel upset and sad during this time and to remember that it is not necessary to fake happiness even during the holidays.

Additionally, it can help to know that what one person experiences with ending a marriage during the holidays can be different from someone else. Some people may have a quick legal process and find themselves free and clear by the time the new year rolls around, and others may still be battling the court process weeks or months after the holidays end. Because of these differences, it is important that each person takes a personalized approach to how they handle this situation.

Divorce can bring about many emotions, and the holidays can too. It may be difficult for some Georgia residents to deal with everything going on this time of year. Fortunately, people do not have to feel as if they are alone, even when ending their marriage. They can contact friends and family for emotional support and have their legal advocates assistant them through court-related matters.
