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Key Activities to Relieve Stress During Divorce


Going through a divorce can be one of the most difficult things Georgia couples experience in their lives. According to statistics published by the American Psychological Association, roughly half of all first marriages across the country end in divorce. The divorce process does not only mean losing a partner and co-parent; it can also mean giving up on long-standing plans and the hope of a continued loving relationship with a particular person. There are things people can do to help them make the transition less stressful and taxing.

People who are divorcing should not try to go through it on their own. This requires internalizing negative feelings that are better released via conversations with family, friends, and other loved ones. In addition to relatives, therapists can be helpful for people to voice their feelings. A therapist can help a person work through difficult emotions without bias or judgment.

Physical activity can be important as well during times where the risk of depression is increased. Exercise causes the production of endorphins that can put a person in a better emotional place, and it can be a good release for anger, sadness, and other emotions. Divorce is also a time to reach out to professionals like attorneys and financial advisers who may be able to guide people through the financial and legal ramifications of selling the family home.

An attorney who handles divorce cases might be able to help by identifying and categorizing the couple’s assets and suggesting strategies for the property division process. In cases where the couple has children, an attorney might be able to help by developing a child custody and visitation schedule for approval by the court.
