Sharing Child Custody of an Infant

When Georgia parents decide to end their marriage, they may face a challenging time adapting to a parenting plan and a visitation schedule. This can be difficult with kids of any age, even when they are old enough to express their own preferences and desires. However, there can be even more serious issues when the child involved is an infant. Caring for a baby has its rewards and its challenges as well as unique concerns that come with moving a baby from place to place.

Child custody decisions about an infant need to be handled in the best interests of the child. Of course, this is true for kids of any age. Infants are in a uniquely vulnerable time of life, however, and they also are going through critical developmental stages for developing a strong bond with both parents. When mothers exclusively breastfeed the child, it can be difficult to arrange lengthy periods of visitation, even when they also pump breast milk for bottle feeding. In the early days, mothers may be concerned about interrupting the flow of their milk to pump, especially if they usually maintain night feedings. Breastfeeding is a priority for many parents due to its benefits.

If the issues around feeding can be worked out with pumped milk or formula supplementation, overnight visitation or shared custody can help a baby bond with both parents. It can also help the parents to get a break and take turns with the difficult night hours of raising a baby.

Some courts are hesitant to order shared custody for an infant until a child reaches the age of 3. Parents who are in this type of situation may work with a family law attorney to reach a favorable child custody agreement and parenting plan.

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