You never expected this to happen to you. You never get behind the wheel of your car while under the influence of alcohol, yet here you are, trying to figure out how to fight a DUI charge in a Georgia criminal court, stemming from a high Breathalyzer readout. How can this be happening? What can you do about it?
If a Breathalyzer machine indicates you are intoxicated it must be true, right? Wrong. While many believe these machines to be foolproof, they are not. They are not always accurate — despite what the makers of these machines and law enforcement officials say.
Did you know that even properly maintained Breathalyzer machines can give out false readings? They can because a number of other substances other than alcohol can produce a high blood-alcohol content readout. Such substances include lip balm, mouthwash, mouth sprays and a variety of medications — among a number of other things. All things normal people use every single day.
So, what can you do when charged with DUI in Georgia despite not having anything to drink? You can fight, and you can take steps to defend yourself. With the assistance of an experienced criminal defense attorney, you may be able to successfully establish that the Breathalyzer reading was inaccurate and should not be considered in your case. Legal counsel will have the ability to review the facts of your case and help you figure out the best way to approach it in court. To learn more about how an attorney may be of assistance to you and your case, please visit our firm’s website.