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Will Your Child Custody Agreement Work This Coming School Year?


While it may only be the middle of summer, the school year is fast approaching. Even if you do not want to think about it, now is a good time to review your child custody agreement and make sure it will still work when the kids head back to school. Some parents in Georgia may find modifications are necessary.

Wondering how you can know if you current custody plan with suffice? There is one question you can ask yourself: Is the current arrangement going to fit with the change in your daily schedule? When the lazy days of summer are over, children go back to school, they get involved in sports, then get signed up for a million other things that take their time away from home. How do these activities fit into your current schedule? If they don’t, either something has to give or a custody adjustment is needed.

Why think about it now? Can’t it wait? Achieving a custody modification takes time. While it may seem far off, the new school year is just around the corner. Now is the time to re-evaluate and request custody adjustments if they are thought necessary.

Achieving child custody modifications may not prove an easy task for parents in Georgia. The state only allows changes if they will serve the best interests of the children, if it is something about with both parents do not agree, or if both parents accept the proposed changes. If you think you require a custody plan adjustment, an experienced attorney may be able to help you fight for it. To learn more, please visit our firm’s website.