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What Can Divorce Mediation Do for You?


Splitting up with one’s spouse is difficult in a number of ways. Many people are not interested in fighting things out in court, but they do have things that they need to work out before they can finalize the divorce process. Georgia residents looking for a better way to get through the dissolution process may find mediation is a great fit. 

What is mediation? A couple who chooses this process agrees to attend negotiation sessions in a neutral setting with an unbiased third-party there whose job is to help each party stay focused on what they are trying to achieve. Mediation is good in that it can:

  • Cost less than the traditional divorce process
  • Minimize conflict
  • Result in a divorce settlement that each party deems fair and is mutually agreed upon

Is mediation for everyone? No, but it really can work in most divorce cases — even those involving complex assets or child custody issues. In the end, it all depends on what each party is willing to do and what he or she wants out of the divorce. 

Divorcing couples in Georgia who are not sure if mediation is right for them can talk to legal counsel about it. If it feels like the right fit, one’s attorney can be there every step of the way in order to make sure any settlement reached serves one’s best interests. With the right help, divorce — though a difficult thing — can be finalized as swiftly and smoothly as possible with this alternative dispute resolution method. 

Source: FindLaw, “Divorce Mediation“, Accessed on April 12, 2018
