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Man Victim of One Aspect of Family Law Statute


Getting married and having a child is often in the plans for many adults. However, in the case of teenagers, the decision to marry may not always have a happy ending. One divorced man may now be a victim of one aspect of family law in his state. While this man does not live in Georgia, chances are there are families here who may have found themselves in a similar situation.

This man and his girlfriend purportedly made the decision to get married when they discovered that she was expecting a child. They were married for some time before their relationship deteriorated. The man then chose to have a paternity test done on the child he assumed was his own.

The test revealed that there was no possibility that the child was his biological son. After receiving the test results, the judge who ordered the man to pay child support changed his ruling and told the man he could stop payments. However, the judge later reinstated the order based on the law in that state that only gives a supposed father 24 months to order a test to establish paternity of a child.

The man is now making monthly child support payments in the amount of approximately $500. Along with the ordered support, he is also in arrears for an estimated $15,000. He is outraged that he is forced to pay support for a child that is neither his biological or adopted son. Georgia does not have the same statutes that affect this man; however, anyone who has questions or problems with child support or related issues may choose to consult with an attorney who is experienced in family law matters.

Source:, “Man ordered to pay child support for another man’s child“, Jan. 13, 2017
